Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
An Unexpected Bonus Mom

An Unexpected Bonus Mom

Lean on God when you must support others

What would you do if someone just thrust their mother onto you to take care of for the rest of your life? This devotion which has been published today on The focuses on John and his thoughts at the cross when Jesus “hands over” his mother.

Find it here:


I’m not getting much feedback on my devotions, so it would mean a lot for you to comment on Substack. Maybe you know someone who would benefit from these devotions or this one in particular. Please forward this email to them or go to Substack and share the link from there.

Thank you so much!

God bless you!

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Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Sheyvah can help you deal with anger, anxiety, depression, singleness, miscarriages, parenting, marriage, friendship and more. I write about how wonderful Jesus Christ is and how you can snuggle up and get close to Him. He really adores you. I share my devotions that I write to encourage you to get closer to God.
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