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Emotional Healing: How to Hug a Wall

From Isolation to Connection

Welcome to Perfect King’s Imperfect Princess. I’m your host Sheyvah Rex and this is episode 14.  I’m so happy you have joined us! I have a heart to share what God is teaching me and help you get closer to him.  He loves you so very much and he promises to stay with you forever if you commit yourself to following and obeying him. This is my devotion called How to hug a wall, originally published on the on June 4, 2024

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wall with broken bricks
Photo by Henry & Co. on Unsplash



When the people heard the sound of the rams’ horns, they shouted as loud as they could. Suddenly, the walls of Jericho collapsed, and the Israelites charged straight into the town and captured it.- JOSHUA 6:20 NLT

He is a rust-brown brick wall. The wall is rough with ragged grey mortar, and the top is out of reach. When I try to climb it, I slip, scrape two of my fingers and cry silently in pain.

I ask, "How was your day?"

"Good," I can barely hear him grunt.

I want to say, “Do you know that I love you?” I wish I could hug him but it's hard to get my arms around his wide span. I try anyway but he is a wall. Walls do not hug back. They are solid and super silent.

He wasn’t always a wall. Chunks of brick were glued to his heart as peers teased, mocked, and bullied. Does he remember that Jesus adores him?

I pray he lets God tear the wall down to heal and reveal his true self.

Does this description of the wall in my life seem familiar? Some people have walls to defend their hearts against further pain. Some are not even aware of what they are doing. Recognize that the only way this wall can come down is through the power of Jesus Christ, not your strength. Only he can heal the wounds. Ask God to give you the faith to pray consistently and to show you how to allow his love and kindness to shine through you. The Lord says, “And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them. I will take away their stony, stubborn heart and give them a tender, responsive heart, so they will obey my decrees and regulations. Then they will truly be my people, and I will be their God.” Ezekiel 11:19-20 NLT

Dear Lord, you know I love this person so much. It is very painful to not see my affection reciprocated. Please touch them. Help me also to consider how I may be presenting a wall to some people. I pray for authentic relationships which will bring us closer to each other and to you. Thank you.

Throughout this day: Look up Bible verses for emotional healing and then turn the verses into prayers for your walled-up person and yourself.

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My pen name Sheyvah Rex or perfect King, gives God glory. I am not perfect, but He gives me Christ’s righteousness which is perfection. I have been adopted into his family as his daughter, so I am his princess.

You can become his prince or princess too if you have not already.

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Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Sheyvah can help you deal with anger, anxiety, depression, singleness, miscarriages, parenting, marriage, friendship and more. I write about how wonderful Jesus Christ is and how you can snuggle up and get close to Him. He really adores you. I share my devotions that I write to encourage you to get closer to God.
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