Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
We're Gonna Crash!

We're Gonna Crash!

Or, Unhelpful Things to Say to Your Adult Son

Have you ever ridden with a new driver? One of your own progeny perhaps? It’s sometimes scary for me. How about you?

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Here is my latest podcast featuring my devotion published on The Life. Here is the link to the website.

By the way, this funny bird crashed into our front window today. Anyone know what kind it is? My third son researched and thinks it might be a Homer pigeon. It has a tag around it’s leg.

Thanks for replying. See you next time. Remember I love to pray with and for people.

Sheyvah Rex (Perfect King)


Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Sheyvah can help you deal with anger, anxiety, depression, singleness, miscarriages, parenting, marriage, friendship and more. I write about how wonderful Jesus Christ is and how you can snuggle up and get close to Him. He really adores you. I share my devotions that I write to encourage you to get closer to God.
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Sheyvah Rex