Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Sleep is my Idol!

Sleep is my Idol!

Don't Stress over Sleep

Can you relate to having trouble falling back to sleep when you wake up in the middle of the night? Here is the audio and text version of my devotion

originally published on

…for he grants sleep to those he loves. Psalm 127:2c 

Stream water sounds trickle from the white noise machine. I’m sleeping cozily under my fuzzy burgundy blanket. A piercing pop penetrates my brain like a pistol shot. I wake up with my heart pounding, sure that someone must be violently trying to break into my house. After a minute of silence I realize that it is nothing serious, but now I am wide awake. Squinting at the glowing lime numbers on my alarm clock, I groan silently, hoping I can return to slumber swiftly. I go on my back to tense and relax my fists, face, and feet. I breathe slowly and deeply. My stomach cramps up, so I switch to my side and sigh. I change my alarm so I can sleep longer but it will mean I skip my time with Jesus in his word.

Sleep is my idol! I worship sleep more than God sometimes. Are you shocked? I think many people have the same idol, only they might not readily admit it. I used to think that I needed at least eight hours. I felt satisfied when I was in bed for a certain number of hours. But then I started using a sleep app that tracks when I fall asleep and how deep my sleep is. I was surprised to find out that when I was in bed for eight hours, I was only getting between six and seven hours of sleep. I was tired and anxiety mounted. 

“Surely God would want me to sleep more so I can be more effective in my job and nicer to my family. He won’t mind if I do not meet with him this once,” I rationalize. Sleep is important but it should not be my top priority.  

The Bible says the Lord gives sleep to those he loves. Do I believe it? I am learning to receive God’s love in my heart, but I feel anxious during the night about not falling back to sleep quickly. Too often my mind is going over something that bothers me, detail by detail. Then the Holy Spirit reminds me that I can talk to him and that he is allowing me to be awake. I shouldn’t fight it but accept it and relax in his love for me. 

I put a reminder on my phone for when I need to get ready for bed. I schedule time every morning to spend with God. I talk to him about my plans and put my total hours of sleep in his hands. He is in control of everything, including how much sleep I need and how much I get.

I’m sorry for prioritizing sleep more than time with you, Lord. Please help me to get the rest my body needs without getting stressed out. You are more important than anything in my life, including sleep. Help me to act like it. Thank you.

Throughout this day: Plan your schedule so that you have time with Jesus and get enough sleep. Acknowledge that he is King of your life, and that you will receive his peace.

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Thank you so much for your support. May God receive glory from my life and yours.

Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Perfect King's Imperfect Princess
Sheyvah can help you deal with anger, anxiety, depression, singleness, miscarriages, parenting, marriage, friendship and more. I write about how wonderful Jesus Christ is and how you can snuggle up and get close to Him. He really adores you. I share my devotions that I write to encourage you to get closer to God.
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